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Don't Forget to Play is a brand which was started by David Thompson, and Will Schmidt and illustrated by Joe Coomes. After many years of hard work, Don't Forget to Play was officially launched in April of 2020 when the first ever hoodie was made. With now having an official sight, Don't Forget to Play will be launching new merchandise with arrival dates and pre order sales at request. 


David and Will are two cousins that look at each other as brothers trying to start a business in what they love. Growing up people have always told them that they should try and stick their leg out and embrace in something that they feel could help others shape themselves in the direction of success and achievement. David, 22-years-old and  Will being 23-years-old. Starting a clothing brand hoping that people will appreciate what they have created and support the designs and hard work done. Don't Forget to Play is here to stay.

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